Shining Resonance Refrain Demo

PlayStation 4
Shining Resonance Refrain Demo (loading)
Shining Resonance Refrain Demo (loading)
Shining Resonance Refrain Demo (loading)
Shining Resonance Refrain Demo (loading)

Shining Resonance Refrain Demo

PlayStation 4
В PS Store (Ukraine)

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Shining Resonance Refrain (loading)

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Релиз:12 июня 2018 г.
Жанр:Ролевые игры
Производитель:SEGA EUROPE LTD
Аудио:японский | английский

Вы окажитесь в роли Юмы Ильверна и остановите империю, использующую в корыстных целях силу древних драконов, в том числе силу Сияющего дракона, живущую внутри вас. Заручитесь поддержкой друзей и исполните свое предназначение: спасите Асторию и выпустите на волю ту силу, которую так долго в себе сдерживали.

Драконы давно считались вымершими, и поэтому Юму, умеющего превращаться в Сияющего дракона, преследует армия империи. Прибегнув к помощи драконьеров, Соня — принцесса Астории, умоляет Юму помочь ей в борьбе с империей и спасти земли. Сможет ли скромный Юма набраться храбрости и раскрыть всю свою силу?

1 игрок
DUALSHOCK®4 с функцией вибрации
PAL HD 720p,1080i,1080p

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Библиотечные программы ©Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc., эксклюзивно лицензированы Sony Interactive Entertainment Europe. Действуют Условия использования программ. Полный текст Условий использования см. на сайте

© SEGA. All rights reserved. SEGA is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. SEGA, the SEGA logo and SHINING RESONANCE REFRAIN are either registered trademarks or trademarks of SEGA Holdings Co., Ltd. or its affiliates.

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Shining Resonance Refrain
Shining Resonance Refrain
Obtained all trophies.
Pioneer of Alfheim
Pioneer of Alfheim
Collected 200 different Materials.
Continental Round Trip!
Continental Round Trip!
Visited every location on the map.
Synthesized 50 different items or Aspect Pieces.
Super Synthesis
Super Synthesis
Synthesized a rare Aspect Piece.
The Tune Heard 'Round the World
The Tune Heard 'Round the World
Collected all Tunings.
Raised any Tuning to the highest rank.
Knight of Astoria
Knight of Astoria
Won your first battle.
Dragoneer, Forward!
Dragoneer, Forward!
Defeated 500 monsters.
Dragoneer, Charge!
Dragoneer, Charge!
Defeated 1000 monsters.
Dragoneer, Awaken!
Dragoneer, Awaken!
Defeated 2000 monsters.
Hit Maker
Hit Maker
Achieved a 99-hit combo.
B.A.N.D. Member
B.A.N.D. Member
Performed a B.A.N.D. session for the first time.
Center Stage
Center Stage
Performed a B.A.N.D. session with each character as the Center.
Dragon Soul Inheritor
Dragon Soul Inheritor
Used Dragonshift for the first time.
Quelled Dragon
Quelled Dragon
Quelled the Shining Dragon from a berserk state.
Dragonshift Tour
Dragonshift Tour
Won over 100 battles using Dragonshift.
Swift Conductor
Swift Conductor
Triggered 10 advantageous encounters.
Advancing Melody
Advancing Melody
Won a battle without taking damage.
Sound of Silence
Sound of Silence
Won a battle with a party member incapacitated.
Dragon Tough
Dragon Tough
Raised any party member to level 100.
First Break
First Break
Triggered a Break for the first time.
Guard Breaker
Guard Breaker
Triggered a Break on blocking enemies 30 times.
Flow Breaker
Flow Breaker
Triggered a Break on casting enemies 30 times.
Resonance Forte
Resonance Forte
Triggered a Resonance 30 times.
Force Medley
Force Medley
Used Force abilities 100 times.
You're Going Down
You're Going Down
Defeated a rare monster.
Requiem for the Enemy
Requiem for the Enemy
Defeated powerful foes throughout Alfheim.
Moonlit Overture
Moonlit Overture
Completed Opus 1.
Etude of the Dragoneers
Etude of the Dragoneers
Completed Opus 2.
Ricordanza of Souls
Ricordanza of Souls
Completed Opus 3.
Golden Sonata
Golden Sonata
Completed Opus 4.
Oratorio of Betrayal
Oratorio of Betrayal
Completed Opus 5.
Capriccio of the Strong
Capriccio of the Strong
Completed Opus 6.
Fairy Elegy
Fairy Elegy
Completed Opus 7.
Shining Concerto
Shining Concerto
Completed Opus 8.
What is Love?
What is Love?
Viewed Kirika's ending.
Noble Lovers
Noble Lovers
Viewed Sonia's ending.
Countin' on Ya
Countin' on Ya
Viewed Agnum's ending.
Battle to Help Others
Battle to Help Others
Viewed Lestin's ending.
Happy Together
Happy Together
Viewed Marion's ending.
Viewed Rinna's ending.
Viewed Jinas's ending in Refrain mode.
Prelude of Love
Prelude of Love
Viewed Excella's ending in Refrain mode.
Heart to Heart
Heart to Heart
Triggered your first night event.
First Date
First Date
Went on your first date.
Know Others, Know Thyself
Know Others, Know Thyself
Acquired 100 different Traits.
Wheel of Fortune
Wheel of Fortune
Fulfilled the wishes of the two and spoke to the orchestrator of Refrain.